Thursday, August 18, 2005

Cindy Does Not Speak for Me (Give War a Chance, Part iii)

After several days of catching media reports from various sources, it is of little doubt to me that Cindy Sheehan is just a crazed, anti-war left-winger who happens to be in the media spotlight at present. Her claim is that she is grieving over her son, but the hate-filled vitriol she has been spewing for quite some time is making it clear that she has a different agenda. Perhaps that is why many in her own family do not agree with her position.

All that said, she does have a right to grieve. She does have a right to dissent. She does have a right to protest. However, I think that she does NOT have a conscience or a care about anyone else's soldiers who are in Iraq, or anywhere else for that matter.

Research her past, her thoughts, and her very public remarks and decide for yourself. But also realize that, while unpopular, the war in Iraq is bringing terrorists from everywhere to Iraq to participate. As I have said, I will let the professionals handle that. They have training, knowledge, and working intelligence that none of us (including Cindy) will ever have. And, they are keeping the fight 'over there' and I am pretty certain I prefer it that way. (And, to-be-honest, I bet the protestors do too; or at least they would when the day came that America was struck again.) I am willing to take my chances on Iraq becoming a strong, free, and stabilizing force in the Middle East.

You don't speak for all of America and you do not speak for me, Cindy.

Give war a chance!

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