Sunday, December 31, 2006

My Absence

I have been absent (or say missing in action) from my blog posts and political punditry for quite some time. Truthfully, the negative campaigning and blurred (if not dishonest) messages of the midterm elections left me with so many thoughts and so much "material" that I could have quit my job and just "blogged". Alas, I have bills to pay and, to be honest, was so sick of the midterm campaigns and the chicanery that went with them, that I took myself out of the mix for awhile. (Plus, there was football season and, being the Scarlet & Gray fanatic that I am, the Buckeyes took up a ton of my time.) Add to that a very hectic schedule at my real job and I found time to be extremely limited. That limit of time kept me from reading many good books (although I found State of Emergency by Pat Buchanan to be very thought provoking and Godless by Ann Coulter to be...quintessential Ann) and reading much "news". And let's face it, much of the "news" of past several months has been celebrity drivel, Mel Gibson and Michael Richards' rants, Rosie and Trump's war of words, and Paris and Britney's...well, you know.
At any rate, in about 14 short hours it will be 2007. My resolution is to get "plugged back in" and try to post my thoughts regularly and hopefully even more frequently than I had before. I hope you read them and comment, whether you agree or disagree.
Here is hoping that you had a wonderful Christmas and will have a great and prosperous new year. God Bless our troops in harm's way.

Oh yeah, and GO BUCKEYES!

the zealot, 12/31/06