Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What in the Hell is Happening Here?

Does anyone else think that the United States is slipping into the abyss? The Supreme Court (one of my favorite governmental entities) is out-of-control, basically changing and creating "law" on a whim, not to mention changing (or should I say "amending") the Constitution as a majority of nine total sees fit.
Then we have the partisan bickering, Left vs. Right, liberal vs. conservative, Democrat vs. Republican. And exactly what does the Left (or Democrats or liberals, ask Karl Rove to define this) stand for anyway? The Democrats in general, but the Democratic leadership in particular, are negative obstructionists who chime in for the sound bites (from the all too willing media) to question (in the most patriotic of ways) the course being set by the Administration or the "power drunk Republicans". And the Republican answer for the most part is to roll over to this nonsense and spend, spend, spend in the process.
Take the comments made by Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, [Her highness] Hillary Clinton, or anything that Howard Dean might say, public or private and think them over...seriously. Does any American take this crap as anything more than political grandstanding? Does anyone really believe it? How can liberals be so misguided? Don't get me wrong, on many issues, Republicans [note, I did NOT say conservatives] have no answers or believable rebuttal, but come on! Does anyone really believe in the rhetoric and nonsensical ranting of the Left? If you do, you need to look in the mirror, after you pull your head out of the sand.

There is only political and partisan bickering in DC. No answers to any problems. One side vs. the other. The Democrats do a good job of being in the minority. They prevent real progress in order to "stand" for something. "Anti-Bush" is all they really want, besides power...the power to be in charge and seize anything and everything they can from the citizenry.

If you are a "little guy" or truly want to fight for the "little guy" then you need to get over the ranting of the Left...PERIOD. The Right may be for "big business", but exactly who creates the jobs that the Left is so willing to claim are being lost? Big business...CORPORATE AMERICA. Like it or not, capitalism works and helps everyone in the process. The only jobs that government creates are government jobs! Are we to have the government provide for everything? Apparently so. No "privatization" under any circumstances or negotiations stop...sound familiar? That is like the little kid growing up who was losing a game, so he took his ball and went home. PLEASE!

I am fed up with the status quo. I think the time is right for a revolution. Not an armed conflict, but the rising up of a third (or fourth or fifth or sixth...) political party. No "moderates"...just people who believe what they believe, tell the truth, and go on leading our Nation. It is NOT a democracy, but rather a constitutional and representative republic. That is an idea obviously lost on our elected "representatives". Why do you suppose they all fear term limits?

So do we continue to exercise our right to vote? How long until it is taken away by an arbitrary ruling by the Black Robes? Do we hold our representatives accountable? At the ballot box? Or do we demand change? Everything starts somewhere and the future of the good ol' US of A might start in your heart, mind, and soul.

I have been told, you can't change the establishment. Perhaps not. But I also believe in a lyric from the song Freewill by the band Rush which says, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Should we just let the bizarre rantings of the "elected" rule the day? Or, will we decide to look inside ourselves to rise up and affect change, no matter how small? Choose to demand answers to the question, "What the hell is going on here?" If you don't choose, you still have made a choice that my affect you forever.

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