Saturday, January 15, 2005

When Atheists Attack

Is anyone else sick of Michael Newdow? I mean, come on! Does this guy have nothing else to do with his free time?

As I have written before regarding Christmas, I am shocked at the outrage that the leftists and secularists have over religious references in the public sector. Mind you, I would not likely be called the most religious guy in the crowd. However, in that regard, I am all for the freedoms granted to us by the Constitution. I am a huge proponent of the Second Amendment, given its ability in protecting an individual from danger and oppression and its support and bolstering of the rest of the Bill of Rights. More on that later.

My issue with Michael Newdow is his endless and tired ranting over being an atheist and how a reference to God imposes on him in some manner. By definition, an atheist denies the existence of God. So, what the hell is this guy's issue? He is pissed about something that (in his mind) does not exist? Maybe he can file a lawsuit to remove the Easter Bunny from shopping malls in a few weeks. That would be about as productive.

My point is quite simple. This guy can think and say whatever he wants, but isn't he really imposing his will on everyone else in the process? I must admit that he is a smart guy, seems to know the issue, and tries to make a compelling argument. But, he is an atheist! To me, that is where his case falls apart. If he actually had a religious belief, perhaps he could make a more compelling case. Michael, worship trees or something, but quit with the rant when your self-described "religious belief" is to deny the very existence of a deity. Are you going to argue that the moon is made of green cheese next?

I am in favor of individual freedom. I am against wasting taxpayer money on crap like this. And the publicity that this guy gets. I respect his position, but why give him the platform? And if he gets the platform, why even have a debate with him? Why doesn't a TV pundit just say, "I respect your right to believe as you do, however, I think that you are wasting everyone's time and resources and I also think you are a whiny, full of shit little baby"? Is that so hard?

If a President believes in God, then I damn well want him to put his hand on a Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution in the name of the God he believes in. It comforts me that a leader may answer to a higher order. If the ceremony throws a prayer or two in there, that is fine as well. As a free individual, I can sort through the content of any event and ignore what I don't like. Do I feel that this is establishing a religion? No. To me, it is the free exercise thereof. Is the United States suddenly evil because of this? Apparently to Mike it is, and that is his choice. God bless him for that. But please, do not force the "establishment clause" argument on me. I have yet to be forced to believe in anything, nor has anyone else. And if you deny the very existence of the Deity that you are questioning, then what is the argument all about?

My advice for Michael, buy a set of golf clubs. There is nothing quite so frustrating and challenging as chasing a little white ball around someone else's yard on your day off.

1 comment:

Rob Manktelow said...

Loved it. Great blog