Sunday, January 09, 2005

Exit Polls and Protests

Maxine Waters questioning the "blackness" of Ken Blackwell. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones piling on. Barbara Boxer crying. And the endless debate over the exit polls...when is enough enough? Can't the Left admit that Bush won?

Here is my very quick, yet well thought out take on the situation. Bush got more votes and won more Electoral College votes, thus he remains the President of the United States of America. Simple.
But wait, the polling data suggest....

This is the simple "solution/resolution" to the whole thing, the exit poll data, the recount, Ohio's "contested" election results, et. al. The Democrats and Lefties amongst us want to undo this in any manner possible. One of the greatest "claims" was something I heard regarding Ohio (but I am sure it was claimed elsewhere) regarding voter "irregularity". It was a claim that Democrats won in various [likely highly Democratic] precincts and yet Bush won presidential votes in many of the same precincts, etc., etc., you get the picture. My response...did anyone EVER consider the fact that there may have been quite a few Democrats who otherwise voted right down party lines, but voted for George W. Bush? Is the notion that farfetched?

Without going into a rant on how horrible John Kerry really is, why his Vietnam "service" was a sham (and a horrible campaign issue), and the reasons that many Democrats might just have liked Bush more, I just want everyone to consider that many Democrats probably voted their conscience and pulled the lever with one Republican name amongst all those Democratic names. Hell, maybe they even lied to the exit pollsters! Let's face it, both camps wanted to win their base. I am certain Kerry won the real whackos (i.e., Hollywood, the otherwise talented rock stars who think they know more than you do, and the elites in the media). But did he truly win the rank and file of the Democratic party? The unions? The African American vote? My answer is, debate as you wish, apparently he did not. Perhaps Oliver Stone and Michael Moore can team up on a blockbuster film on this one. [Let it be know that if they do, I have written the thought here, so I will definitely sue them if they pull it off and make tons of money.]

My thought is this: the 'anyone but Bush' crowd failed [miserably] and the electoral process did its job. Amid the reports of long lines, "voter intimidation", and "irregularities", our process prevailed. But since the fiasco of 2000, every "activist" feels the need to question every aspect of the process, especially when they don't get their way [again]. The darling of the left, Bill Clinton, said it best when he noted that everyone should "quit whining." [Was that the exact quote? Regardless.]

So Maxine and Stephanie, shut up. Ken is as black as you will ever be and likely more successful. Barbara, dry your tears. Jesse Jackson, those who represent the Kerry campaign [lawyers], and all of those who feel they got shafted, do what you claim to be all about...BE TOLERANT. And for God's sake, quit whining. Your emotional display over your loss [of power] is making me sick. The results are in and they are official. The red states prevailed and the country has spoken. Do us all a favor and think before you speak (or cry) and perhaps consider what the electorate is saying. It may be the most provocative thinking you've ever done.

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