Thursday, September 21, 2006

Danny Glover is a Freaking Idiot

Because I have a real job, I sometimes have to leave gaps between my writing. It is an unfortunate reality in my life and I only wish that I had more time and availability to speak out on the issues of the day. That is my true passion.

I must, however, comment on that idiot, Danny Glover. Danny, as opposed to myself, has a job that, while lucrative, does NOT do anything to further the well being of mankind. He is an actor and he pretends to be something he is not. For the record, I am a pharmacist. I make a decent living and I actually help people.

Anyway, my issue with Danny (and I have had them before; see is that this idiot is suddenly buddies with Hugo Chavez. Is Danny really that much of an idiot? I understand the left-wing ideology and, while I disagree, can understand a left-leaning passion. However, “representing” for Hugo Chavez is beyond ‘off the charts.’ Come on Danny, you simpleton, this guy is a dictator in a third world country and is bashing the President of the United Sates of America, the very country where you have made your fortune. Do you really want to be aligned with him? Is your leftist agenda and hatred of George Bush REALLY that strong? Even Charles Rangel (D, NY) and Nancy Pelosi (D, Ca) found Hugo’s comments offensive. Not only did you endorse him, you introduced him.

Danny, wake up. You are either a complete idiot (and that is said with my sincere apologies to all of the other idiots out there) or you are blinded by ideology. Wake up Danny, America is what made you rich and Hugo, Fidel, and the other leftist dictators of the world will only ruin the America dream. Wake up America. We are at war, we are despised, and we need to unite to fight the evil in the world. Stunts like this are beyond foolish; they are insane…and dangerous.

the zealot, 9/21/06

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