Monday, January 09, 2006

The Lunacy of the Extremes

What the Hell was Pat Robertson thinking? Does he really believe that God is mad at Ariel Sharon for "dividing his [God's] land" and that is why the Israeli Prime Minister is having serious health problems at present? An even more intriguing question is who are the "...not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of American people...[who] support your revolution" that Harry Belafonte was talking about when he visited Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez? Has Pat lost his mind? Is Harry so far beyond Geritol that we have to start talking senility? Do these guys take themselves seriously or are they just trying to ruin America?

I am admittedly conservative and hold many political views that are on the right of the political spectrum. I believe strongly about many issues because I have researched them and have meticulously thought through them on my way to formulating my opinions. I would likely never be classified as a moderate, regardless of where I might fall on a particular subject. My beliefs are strong, never moderate. Still, I respect the opinions of others and I can agree to disagree on many issues. I truly believe that the political left in the United States is somewhat 'off the hook' of late, however. Be it in Congress, the media, the entertainment elites, or the intelligentsia, those on the left truly seem to be losing their grip. Yet, over a year ago I commented to a relative that the religious right could possibly be the undoing of the Republican Party. Now, the only play in the left's playbook is to do the opposite of whatever George Bush proposes. Take the nomination of Sam Alito to the Supreme Court. He is being attacked as an ideologue and his character was assassinated on the first day of his hearings. Senator Dianne Feinstein has come out and said Roe v. Wade is her only real concern regarding Judge Alito. She wants to know before hand how he feels about abortion and wants to disqualify him on personal opinions, not his ability to be an impartial judge. (More on all of this in a later post.) The left asserts that George Bush nominated Alito to pander to the religious right base of the Republican Party. Assuming that is true then we are back to the extremes, one far left view versus one [perceived] far right view. And the division in America continues.

Keep in mind, I do not oppose anyone's right to their own opinion. I also don't oppose the freedom they have to voice said opinion. I personally believe strongly in free speech. So when Pat and Harry make the comments they make, they do have the right. But, I must find fault in the way they went about expressing their thoughts.

First, does Pat Robertson really believe what he said and, if so, why then did he have to say it in the public domain? Is Pat somehow closer to God than anyone else? Does he really know that God is punishing Mr. Sharon? I doubt it. What I take from Pat's comments makes me feel like he is somehow exercising and expressing some form of divine judgment with regard to Mr. Sharon. Personally, I don't think even Pat is that close to God. Besides, the Prime Minister is still living. My guess is that we can leave all of the divine judgment to God himself. That can be between him and Ariel Sharon, accomplished on God's time table, not Pat's.

Then there is Harry. He is suddenly pals with the dictator, umm, elected leader of Venezuela. He traveled there (with liberal pals Danny Glover and Cornel West no less) to extol the virtues of Mr. Chavez and all he stands for. Well, Harry, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think Mr. Chavez is the man of the year. (And why AARP gave you their award is beyond me. Oh, they are a liberal group as well. My mistake.) My big issue with Harry is not that he makes such statements, but that he (like so many Hollywood types and out-of-power liberals) managed to bad mouth this country on foreign soil. He called George Bush "the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world," all the while chumming it up with Hugo Chavez. Now, George Bush was actually elected in real elections twice, so to me Mr. Belafonte has done a good job of insulting a majority of Americans and therefore he has insulted his country. Dissent is fine. Doing it on foreign soil to me is not. Cheap shots and character assassination of the president of the United States is not. You can disagree, fine. But Mr. Belafonte's actions are irresponsible. They are also in poor taste.

The point to me is you liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, be responsible in your comments. Start by being intellectually honest in your thoughts. Do not make outrageous public comments or characterizations based on ideology and lacking in fact. And do not assume because you have the pulpit, as a civic or political leader, as a religious leader, or as a 'celebrity' that your opinion is fact. As as an ordinary American...don't let fools like Pat and Harry make your decisions through their comments. And don't be afraid to point out how inappropriate their comments are because you are an 'everyday American', you are the 'mainstream', and your voice resounds as loudly as does Harry's or Pat's.

1 comment:

Jose' Maldonado said...

You have people like Harry and Pat running their mouth about things that neitehr one of them understands. Going to meet with Venezuela's "mind sick" president and having coffee with him makes nobody an expert. I would have appreciated Harry meeting with people whose own land is being divided by the Venezuelan government to give some away to the lazy, I mean to the "poor". These two guys are so removed from reality that they cannot even see the blessing they received by being born in the U.S. of A. The mere fact that they can express their opinions freely in our country is a blessing all by itself. But, when one does not work to earn what one has received; more often than not, one does not know how to responsibly appreciate the value of what one has. May God protect America from these people.