Thursday, July 21, 2005

A Global War

History generally writes itself over time and often rewrites itself again and again. History may one day describe the Cold War as World War III. But ultimately, I believe history will view the war on terror as a global conflict, perhaps even as World War IV.

The events in London of today and two weeks ago are proof that terrorism is global and that the general objective is to attack anyone with the hope that those attacked will change a political position or policy. With the bombings in Madrid, the Spanish population reacted to the terror and voted for a government that would abandon the war. Now it appears that terrorists would like to target Brits in a hope to get them to abandon this war as well. Ultimately, the goal is to pit everyone against one another and against the United States to be sure.

Since history unfolds in hindsight, it is important to see the problems of the past and apply them to the present, and the future. Appeasement has failed time and time again and we should remember that fact. The world is a very dangerous place and it will always be dangerous. Men, governments, religions, and cultures will always have differences. Those differences will likely always lead to conflict. While diplomacy is preferable to war, there is merit in remembering that diplomacy accomplishes little if there is no threat of war.

The United States is viewed harshly by many in this world. And the Brits, being a staunch and unwavering ally, are being targeted because of it. Let us pray that our English allies be strong and steadfast in their resolve to fight along with us to defeat terrorism throughout the world. And let us hope that other nations that are not involved can view the future with an eye on the past. Let them join the fight without being coaxed into it by terrorist acts. And if such acts are perpetrated against them, let us hope that their reaction is not to appease, but rather to fight.

The future of peace in the world is dependent on the ability to negotiate a universal peace. But let's remember that there is the likelihood of war at all times, especially in the times when all seems to be peaceful.

God's speed Great Britain.

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