"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...." -Article One of the Bill of Rights.
To me, the concept is not too difficult. The government of the United States of America cannot sanction any specific religion and force its citizens to worship according to the beliefs of that religion. Fair enough. BUT, the government also cannot prevent its citizens from worshipping as they desire. Where does it say worship cannot take place in the public square? If we are truly free, that is exactly where we should be able to worship.
"Separation of church and state" seems to be a made up philosophy to advance a secularist agenda. That is not my subject of debate, however. My question is, why can't secularists (read: the liberal left) not be tolerant as they claim? I am Christian, but perhaps not as good (and practicing) as you would think given my blog name. I am not for advancing any religious agenda, but perhaps I am for advancing all religions. I want freedom, the freedom that is guaranteed in the Constitution. And I believe that freedom must be displayed anywhere an individual chooses. Religious symbols in the public arena do not bother me. Pretending that any mention of religion in a courthouse, public school, or on a [publicly funded] city bus is somehow "unconstitutional" does bother me. Our country was founded on a principle of freedom. We need to be allowed to express that freedom. Persecution by prohibition is as bad as persecution for holding the "wrong" belief. Prohibition rarely works. It never works (nor should be attempted) in a "free" society.
My hope is that one day, all Americans will be truly tolerant and allow any and all expressions of faith during the Holiday season. Perhaps even embrace a view different from their own, not to be converted, but to be truly tolerant. More importantly, however, to be truly free.
In closing, I want to say Merry Christmas and Thank You to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who are deployed throughout the world. You're sacrifices are the greatest gifts of all, because they give us freedom.
Merry Christmas to all.